Musical projects

Projects of musicological and repertoire interest

Projects by Period:

  • First recordings
  • based on historic sources
  • Instrumentation musical projects
  • paralell recordings
  • complet recordings
Leuven Chansonnier

12 anonym Unicats

Bologna Q-18

ca, 50 Pieces

A.Brumel: 3 Masses

Missa sexta vocum, Missa de Dringhs, Missa de Martiribus

Leuven Chansonnier

12 anonym Unicats see about

Bologna Q-18

92 Pieces, see: about

Leuven Chansonnier

12 anonym Unicats ca, 6 alternative Instrumentations

Bologna Q-18

all Pieces ca. 5 alternative Instrumentations

A.Brumel: 3 Masses

only only boys and mens voices

Music for renaissance harpsichord

in the sound of Harpsichords from 1540, 1579, 1590, 1628 in historic tuning

Leuven Chansonnier

12 anonym Unicats ca, 6 alternative Instrumentations

Bologna Q-18

all Pieces ca. 5 alternative Instrumentations

A.Brumel: 3 Masses

in solistic an choral interpretation

Bologna Q-18

based on valabel preparative works by Clemens Goldberg

M.A.Cavazzoni: Works for Harpsichord

in the sound of a venetian Harpsichord from 1540 in historic tuning


  • First recordings
  • based on historic sources
  • Instrumentation Experiments
  • paralell recordings
  • complet recordings
Davide Perez (1711-1778)

  • Duetto 11, 12 from Solfeggi IV realised based on historic prints

  • Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
    Works for Lute

  • Dixit Dominus HWV232 without female Voices (Boys-voices as Sopran + Alt Choir and Sopransoloist and Countertenor as Altsoloist)

  • Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
    Clavier-Übungen I-IV

    (Pigalle Harpsichord 1771 bzw. Silbermann Rötha vs. Steinway D 1951)

    Das Well tempered Piano

    (Miklisch Harpsichord 1670 vs. Steinway D 1951)

    Preludes & Fugues on Themes by Tomasio Albinoni

    (Vater Harpsichord 1738 vs. Steinway D 1951)


    (Zell Harpsichord 1741 bzw. Silbermann Freiberg 1735 vs. Bechstein D 282)

    All Works for Lute and Luteclavier

    (Lute, Theorbe, Guitar, Luteclavier, Theorbenfl&uunl;gel and Bechstein D)

    Raick, Dieudonne (1703-1764)
    Gheyn, Matthias van den (1721-1785)

    6 Suites op.3

    Dulcken Cembalo 1755/Steinway D

    6 Divertimenti

    Dulcken Cembalo 1755/Steinway D


    Dulcken Cembalo 1755/Steinway D


    Niederländisches Carillon/ Dulcken Cembalo 1755 bzw. Hintz Orgel Leens/Steinway D


    Dulcken Cembalo 1755/Steinway D

    Duphly, Jaques (1715-1789)
    Pieces de Clavecin

    (Taskin Cembalo 1787 / Steinway D)

    Livre I
    Livre II
    Livre III
    Livre IV
    Balbastre, Pierre (1724-1799)
    Meert, Cornelius Franciscus (ca.1750)
    Bosch, Pieter Joseph (1736-1803)
    Baustetter, Jean Thomas (1723-1789)


    • First recordings
    • based on historic sources
    • alternative Instrumentations
    • paralell recordings
    • Original Tempi
    • complet recordings
    Gregor Joseph Werner (1693-1766)
    Georg Anton Benda (1722-1795)

    • 3 Harpsichordconcertos: a) with Harpsichord b) with Steinway D

    Etienne Mehul (1722-1795)

  • Sonata 1
  • Sonata 2
  • Sonata 3

    Jospeh Haydn (1732-1809)
    Georg Albrechtsberger (1736-1809)

    a) Walther Pianoforte(1810) b)Steinway D

    Daniel Steibelt (1765-1823)

  • 8 Pianosonatas, a) Schantz (1790) b) Bechstein

    W.A.Mozart (1756-1791)

    • Pianosonata D-major KV576, Fantasy and Fugue C-major 394 a) Stein Pianoforte (1793) b) Bechstein D

    L.v.Beethoven (1770-1827)
  • L.v.Beethoven (1770-1827)

  • Symphonys I-V: based on original tempo indications, with deliberate concentration on very little and few additional "interpretative" tempo changes.

  • Gregor Joseph Werner (1693-1766)
    Jospeh Haydn (1732-1809)
    Georg Albrechtsberger (1736-1809)
    Johann Gottfried Arnold (1773-1806
    L.v.Beethoven (1770-1827)

    • Symphonys (work in progress). currently available: Symphopnien I-V:
      a) Orchestral Version b) Liszts Pianotranscriptions

    • complete concert Works inkluding Fragments, early versions und ca. 200 Cadenzas.

    (early )classical

    • First recordings
    • based on historic sources
    • alternative Instrumentations
    • paralell recordings
    • complet recordings
    Klengel, August Alexander (1783-1852)
    Rossini, Giachino (1792-1868)
    Calegari, Francesco (1798-ca.1850)
    Bochsa, Robert Nicolas-Charles (1789-1856)

    • Air varie op.73,2 La ci darem la mano

    Herz, Henri (1803-1888)
    Paer, Ferdinando (1771-1839)
    Kalkbrenner, Friedrich (1785-1849)
    Bochsa, Robert Nicolas-Charles (1789-1856)

    • Air varie op.73,2 La ci darem la mano

    Calegari, Francesco (1798-ca.1850)

    • Variazioni sopra la ci darem

    Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
    Paer, Ferdinando (1771-1839)
    Kalkbrenner, Friedrich (1785-1849)
    Czerny, Carl (1791-1857)

    • Variations brilliante op.14 + op.36, Capriccio a la fuga op.89. a) Graf (1826), b) Steinway D

    Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
    Herz, Henri (1803-1888)
    Paer, Ferdinando (1771-1839)
    Klengel, August Alexander (1783-1852)

    120 Canons and Fugues for Piano

    historic pianoforte

    • First recordings
    • based on historic sources
    • alternative Instrumentations
    • paralell recordings
    • Original Tempi
    • complet recordings
    Schumann, Robert (1810-1856)
    Chopin, Frederic (1810-1849)
    Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)
    Sigismand Thalberg (1812-1871)
    Eduard Franck (1817-1893)
    Bovy-Lysberg, Charles (1821-1873)
    Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

    • Horntrio op 40 a) with Naturhorn and an Erard Fortepiano by (1873) b) with modernm Ventilhorn and Steinway D

    Delaborde,Eliee-Miriam (1839-1913)

    (Steinway D 1908 vs. moderner Steinway D)

    Sophie Menter (1846-1918)
    Rosenthal, Moriz (1862-1946)
    Chopin, Frederic (1810-1849)
    Eduard Franck (1817-1893)
    Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)

    Pianomusic: (Studies for Pianoforte)

    Felix Draeseke (1835-1913):

    • Walzer, Canons and Fugues: 2 FantasyPieces op.3, 2 Valse op.4, 2 Walzer op.5, Fantasy op.8, Polonaise D-major WoO10

    • Canons and Fugues for Piano: 6 Fugues op.15, 18 Canons á 6-8-voci op.37, Canonic Riddles Op.42, Double Fugue à 4 in e-minor (1906), Double Fugue à 4 g-minor (1906), TripelFugue à 4 Eb-major (1906), Double Fugue à 4 G-major (1907), Fugue à 4 in a-minor (1907), Fugue à 4 in c-minor (1910), Fugue à 4 in F-major (1911)

    Herzogenberg, Elisabeth by (1847-1892)

    historic grandpianos

    • First recordings
    • based on historic sources
    • paralell recordings
    • Original Tempi
    • complet recordings
    Nicode, Jean Louis (1853-1919)
    Kahn, Robert (1865-1951)
    Huber, Hans (1851-1921)
    Moszkowski, Moritz (1860-1909)

    (Steinway D 1908 vs. moderner Steinway D)

    Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909)
    Weingartner,Felix (1863-1942)

    • 7 Sketches op.1 (1880), 8 Tonepictures op.2

      a) Bechstein (1899) b) Steinway D
    Suk, Josef (1874-1935)
    Kahn, Robert (1865-1951)


    • First recordings
    • Instrumentation Experiment
    • paralell recordings
    • complet recordings
    Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937)
    Scriabin, Alexander Nikolaijewitsch (1872-1915) :
    Bausznern, Waldemar von (1865-1931)
    Courvoisier, Walter (1875-1931)
    Rachmaninov, Sergei (1873-1943)
    Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937)

    • Pavane pour une infante défunte - 1899 a) Erard (1922), b) Steinway D c) Ravels Orchestral Version

    • originale Pianotranscription by La Valse, Gaspard de la nuit a) Erard (1922), b) Steinway D

    Frey, Emil (1889-1946)
    Blanchet, Emile-Robert (1877-1943)
    Sierlin-Vallon, Henri (1887-1952)

    • First recordings
    • based on historic sources
    • paralell recordings
    • Original Tempi
    • complet recordings
    Alban Berg (1885-1935)
    Bernard van Dieren (1887-1936)
    Alexander Jemnitz (1890-1963)
    Nico Richter (1915-1945)
    Casella, Alfredo (1883-1947)
    Jemnitz, Alexander (1890-1963)
    Prokofjev, Sergei (1891-1953)
    Bartok, Bela (1881-1945)

    • First recordings
    • Transkript from Recording or Manuskript
    • Instrumentation Experiment
    • In Collaboration with the Composer
    • complet recordings
    Nancarrow, Conlon (1912-1997)
    Monk, Thelonius (1917-1982)
    Evans, Bill (1929-1980)

    • Improvisation based on "In your own sweet way (Audiotranscription)

    Zeitlin, Denny (1938-)
    Ligeti, Györgi (1923-2006)

    • Horntrio with Natural Horns, as demanded from the Score to imitate with the modern Horn.

    Zeitlin, Denny (1938-)
    Almstedt, Martin Aike


    Music for Orchestra

    Instrumental Concertos

    Chamber music



    Belkin, Alan (1951-)
    LaSalle, Rick

    • Dodge City op.3 Tripleconcerto for Banjo, Fiddle, Honkytonkpiano + Orchestra

    Messiaen, Olivier (1908-1992)
    Almstedt, Martin Aike


    Music for Orchestra

    Instrumental Concertos

    Chamber music




    Selected tab: